Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Where to Park for Light Rail Access? Campus Parking Draws UW Response

Elena Fox, Communications Manager, UW Transportation Services, provided the following perspective on campus parking in response to the article published in April’s Laurelhurst Letter. Fox’s office received “complaints and inquiries” at LCC’s suggestion for light rail parking.  
Elena said: 
It might seem like a great idea to park your car on campus when you want to jump on the Link light rail — it looks like there is lots of room and UW is a public institution — but, when you look just a little bit deeper, the idea makes less sense. 
The UW does offer public parking in several lots across campus, however, most of the spaces are in high demand for people who are visiting campus to obtain university services or attend UW-sponsored events.  
In recent years, environmental improvements, new campus buildings, the Husky Stadium expansion, and the light rail station itself have emerged in places that were once parking lots. Current campus parking resources are managed closely to meet the needs of patients, employees, students, and event attendees.  
Parking in a public space in the Triangle garage could create a hardship for a patient arriving to receive medical services—especially if you park during business and clinic hours. 
Yes, campus parking is in demand. It is a point of pride that UW manages parking resources in such a way that just over 12,000 spaces provide adequate vehicle parking for a community of more than 64,000 individuals—most of whom commute to the Seattle campus to go to work and school—and an estimated 2,500 visitors who park on campus each day.  
This is important because state law requires all large employers to actively reduce the negative impacts of commuter vehicle trips on the environment and on overall quality of life for their community. 
Through the success of the University’s Commute Options programs, 80 percent of commute trips to UW Seattle campus are made by modes other than driving alone. The campus community is responding to the call to leave their cars at home whenever they can. 
The large E1 parking lot along the north end of Montlake has recently been upgraded to allow credit card payment for public parking. Visitors swipe their credit card upon entering the lot and swipe the same card again to raise the gate arm for exiting. The cost is $6/day.
Article Source:- blogspot

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